golf ball paracord key fob

Golf ball paracord key fob

This time we take a look at how to make a golf ball paracord key fob.

I had a few requests to show you how to make this style of paracord key fob. It is fairly fancy looking and fun to make. I really enjoy how they turned out.

Golf ball key fobs.

Golf ball key fobs.

Surprisingly, these are made fairly fast once you get the hang of it. There is a lot of room for customization as well. You can use different knots to cover the golf ball (pineapple knots, gaucho knots, monkey fists and a variety of other knots). In fact every part of this key fob can be done with a number of different knots. The sky is the limit!

On top of that, you can really play around with the color combinations, giving you so many options it is sometimes hard to choose from :). A few color combinations I made:


I prepared a video tutorial on a basic style that can be made rather easily as long as you have the patience. This project uses up surprisingly little cord.


With all this said, let’s see what you will need to make this key fob.


To make this fob you will need the following:

The tutorial

You can find the entire video on making this fob below. But let me also describe how it is made. We first tie a 9L8B turk’s head. We then add a pineapple interweave onto the turk’s head.

Pineapple interweaves.

Pineapple interweave.

The pineapple knot is tightened onto the golf ball.

Be sure that any markings on the gold ball do not show when you place the pineapple knot.

Be sure that any markings on the gold ball do not show when you place the pineapple knot.

We then work the ends into the middle of the knot and then tie a multi strand Matthew Walker knot. We then braid the ends into a 4 strand round braid. We need enough for a loop.

The loop is then joined by working the ends back into the braid. Finally we cover the joined braid using a fancy knot (in my case it was a gaucho fan knot).

The full tutorial:

Enjoy this unique key fob!

About Markwell

I am a defense science graduate. I like to create beautiful things out of paracord.

One comment

  1. I think this is pretty amazing. I like that you just make it with a little paracord. This would be good for my wife. I would love her to have some more self-defence items with her. I am not very handy. I’ll have to look around for someplace I can buy one.

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