In this tutorial we tie the vertical crown knot paracord cross.
I have featured a number of paracord crosses in the paracord projects section and it is time to add one more!

I have first seen this cross made by William Johnson on Youtube. He has named the technique used “the vertical crown knot” or “double crown knot”. This technique was also featured before as a bracelet by J.D.Lenzen, called the “Coyote trail”. But it was William Johnson who used it to make this design as a paracord cross. I have since modified his tutorial a bit, but the main part is done the same way.
This cross is not hard to do, but requires a bit of attention to detail.

Personally, I find it easier to imagine it made as a modified “solomon bar”.
So, let’s tie one!
Items needed
You won’t need much, just the following:
- 4 strands of paracord. Each strand is 1.5 feet (18 inches) long
- scissors
- lighter.
So, with these ready, let’s begin the tying process.
The Vertical crown knot cross tutorial
The cross is made by first making the top and bottom part of the cross. We start by making the top part:
Fold a cord in half.
Insert a second cord in between the cords. Under the left, over the right.
We will now tie a cobra knot.
With your right end go under the two middle cords.
With your left end go under the right end.
With the left end go over the middle cords and into the loop on the right.
Tighten up. After securing the cords using the first cobra knot, we will now move on to the “vertical crown knot” technique. It is very similar to the cobra knot, but with a twist.
Take your right end and place it under the right middle cord.
Slide the left cord over the left middle cord.
Now tie a cobra knot onto the right side.
Place your right cord under the two middle cords and over the left cord.
With your left cord go over the two middle cords and into the loop on the right.
Tighten. We will now add a secord “vertical crown knot”. So basically we make three knots for the top part of the cross.
Again, place the right end under the right middle one.
With the left end go over the left middle cord.
Now tie a cobra knot to the right side.
Place your right cord under the middle two cords and over the left one.
The left cord travels over the top and into the loop on the right side.
And tighten up.
With this we have made the top part. We now adjust it a bit.
Make sure that the right middle cord goes over the left middle cord.
With this the top part of our cross is ready for the next stage. We will need to make the bottom part now.
The bottom part is made using the same process, but without the loop at the top. I secured the cords together using a cobra knot, then made 4 “vertical crown knots”. A total of 5 knots.
Now we adjust it for the next stage:
Place the left middle end over the right middle end.
We will now join the two sections by making the sides.
Set up your top and bottom parts together. Start by placing the right middle cord under the left.
We will secure the cords by tying a cobra knot, just like in our previous two sections (top and bottom).
Place your right cord under the two middle cords and over the left.
With your left cord go over the two middle cords, then into the loop on the right.
Tighten the cobra knot. We will now continue by making two “vertical crown knots” for a total of three knots per side.
Place your right cord under the right middle one.
The left cord goes over the left middle one.
We now tie a cobra knot.
Place your right end under the two middle cords and over the left.
The left goes over the middle and into the loop on the right.
Tighten up.
Add another “vertical crown knot”, then switch to the other side and repeat the process.
Once done, snip the ends and enjoy your new cross!

A video tutorial is also up if you want to see the cross tied live:
Thank you very much. I just stumbled into this and I find this very interesting. I make the traditional rope Rosary. I might try to make one out of paracord.
How do you seal the end? God bless.
I usually just cut and melt them.
Thank you for that.
What size paracord do you use for this project?
This is regular 550 paracord.
Es un buen trabajo, y muy bien explicado. Muchas gracias. Eres un buen maestro, muy claro en la explicacion. Tambien tu pagina se puede traducir al español, yo se muy poco ingles, pero al traducir no me quedan dudas. Thanks
Muy buen trabajo y excelente explicacion. Muchas gracias.