On this page you will find our publications related to paracord and crafts.
Paracord bracelet instructions: popular bracelets explained
The first publication of the Paracord Guild is called Paracord bracelet instructions: popular bracelets explained.
The book is designed for both the novice and the experienced. It serves as a reference book that can be used when making different paracord bracelets. In the book you will find quite a bit of information such as:
- the basic techniques used to use when making paracord bracelets
- good methodology and common mistakes
- tools and supplies of the trade
- detailed step by step tutorials
- other ways to beautify your paracord bracelets
- advice on how to improve as a craftsman
How to sell crafts online
The second is dedicated to the crafters trying to sell their crafts online and is named How to sell crafts online.
The book is designed to provide the fundamentals you need to become a seller online. It will help you avoid mistakes, reduce the time needed to learn the ropes as well as give you some tips on how to improve your sales.