In this article we take a look at the types of pineapple knots.
Among those that use the pineapple interweave the term “pineapple knot type” is quite common. Basically, the “type” explains how a pineapple knot is tied.
The pineapple knot can be tied by interweaving a different number of turk’s head knots. This basically translates into the number of passes in the knot. But this does not tell you how these turk’s head knots are arranged. This is what the “type” categorization tells you.
The book by Tom Hall, Introduction to Turk’s head knots is a source of much knowledge on this topic.
In the following sections we take a look at a few different pineapple knot types and how they differ.
All of the following pineapple knot examples are tied onto a 5L4B turk’s head, which is one of the most commonly used knots.
A quick note- bight boundries
The “bounds” or bights in a pineapple knot are technically referred to as bight boundries. These bight boundries are counted from outside towards the inside of the knot. So the outer bights would be the left and right bight boundry 1 and the next nested bights on the left and right would be boundries 2 and so on.
The type 1 pineapple knot (2 pass)

Type 1 pineapple knot.
The type 1 pineapple knot is the most commonly used pineapple knot. It is tied by tying a base knot and then the knot is interwoven with a second turk’s head knot into the bounds of the first knot.
As you can see, the bights of the first knot are on the outside of the knot. They are located on the left and right bight boundry 1.
The second knot is interwoven into the first knot. The bights of the second knot are located on the left and right bight boundry 2.
Not that hard right?
Now let’s take a look at a type 2 pineapple knot!
Type 2 pineapple knot (2 pass)

Type 2 pineapple knot.
The type 2 pineapple knot has the left hand bights nested the same way as the type 1 knot. But the right hand bights are different. Basically, the second knot is not tied into the right bight boundry, but over it. It gives the effect of a stacked knot. See below.
The left bights of the first knot are on the left bight boundry 1.
The right bights of the knot are on the bight boundry 2, meaning they are nested.
The second knot has the left bights on bight boundry 2.
The bights of the second knot on the right are on the bight boundry 1.
Again, fairly simple if you compare the type 1 and type 2 knot.
Now let’s take a look at a basic type 3 pineapple knot!
Type 3 pineapple knot (3 pass)

Type 3 pineapple knot.
Things are now getting interesting :). The type 3 pineapple knot is tied by adding another pass onto a type 2 pineapple knot. Again, the effect is the look of stacked turk’s head knots, which is an excellent knot to cover items with. Done with 3 colors it works well.
In this case, the first knot has the bights on bight boundry 1 on the left.
On the right, the bights will be on bight boundry 3.
The second knot will have it’s bights on the bight boundry 2 on the left.
On the right, the bights will be on bight boundry 2.
Finally, the third knot will have the bights on the left on bight boundry 3.
On the right, the bights will be on bight boundry 3.
A bit more on types
We tied 3 common types of pineapple knots.
But there are many more. You could tie a type 4 pineapple knot much like the type 2 and type 3 knot.
Or you could add more passes to a type 1 pineapple knot. Or to a type 2 pineapple knot.
These will all give your knot a different look.
There is an important rule though. You can not have less passes than the knot type. So a type 3 knot can not be tied with 2 passes!
As a further example, let’s see how a type 1, 3 pass knot looks like.
Type 1 pineapple knot (3 pass)

Type 1 pineapple knot of 3 passes.
The 3 pass version of the type 1 pineapple knot is tied by first tying the 2 pass version. We then nest the left hand bights of the third knot on bight boundry 3 and the right hand bights between the first two knots, so on the right bight boundry 2.
The first knot has both sides on the outside of the knot, so on the bight boundry 1.
The second knot has the left bights on bight boundry 2.
The right bights are on the right boundry 3.
The third knot is nested on the left on the bight boundry 3.
On the right it is nested between the first two knots, so on the right bight boundry 2.
In conclusion
I hope this article answered at least as many questions that it has opened.
Also see the video for more info!
Till next time, I wish you well and happy knot tying.
What is the difference between a PINEAPPLE knot and a TURKSHEAD knot?
The pineapple knot is an interweave, meaning it is tied using multiple turk’s head knots.
A turk’s head knot is a wider group of knots, which includes the pineapple knot.