In this tutorial we take a look at how to stitch a cobra knot bracelet using the herringbone stitch.
The herringbone stitch is a nice way to spice up a cobra knot paracord bracelet. It has the look of a reversed lark’s head knot.

Many of you will be able to discern how it is tied just by looking at the stitch, but it is still useful to have a few images to get you going when in a hurry.

The pattern up close.
So, what will you need for the stitching?
You will need the following items:
- a cobra knot (solomon bar) paracord bracelet
- microcord. A 7 inch bracelet used up roughly 5.5 feet of microcord
- lacing needle
- lighter
- scissors
With these set, let’s stitch!

Herringbone stitching
The stitching is done in the following manner:
Start on the bottom (underside) of the bracelet. Secure your microcord by tucking it under a few sections.
Work the microcord to the top of the bracelet.
I like to enter the top on the side with the first cobra knot.
We will work diagonally for a better view.
Start by going through the knot on the opposite side.
Then go under the cord we just placed.
Pull the cord through.
Then through the same knot from the outer side towards the middle.
And tighten. First stitch complete.
Now we move to the bottom side.
The bottom is done the same. Enter the next knot from the middle towards the outside.
Pull the cord through.
Go under the cord we just placed.
Pull the cord through.
Enter the knot from the outside towards the inside.
We have now completed the bottom stitch and we move on to the top, done exactly the same way that we made the previous top knot (featured above).
Stitch until you reach the other side.
Work the end under the bracelet under a few sections to secure it.
That’s it folks! An easy way to beautify the good ol’ cobra knot bracelet.
A short video on the technique is also available:
Enjoy the bracelet!