This article is a quick peek at the paracord dice bag.
I have a cousin that is really into board games.I found it a cool, customized gift to give him a dice bag made out of paracord. Something personal is always a neat idea as a gift.
I have already used the same technique in the past to wrap a baby bottle with a protective layer of paracord. That actually saved the bottle from breaking so I was quite happy :).
Back on topic, the paracord dice bag is made out of a series of hitches. You could use half hitches, but for pouches I find that the full hitch works great. Besides the full hitch I used a lanyard knot to finish the cord around the neck of the dice bag.
For the bottom I switched to half hitches which nicely close the bottom part.
Let’s see what you need to complete this project:
- paracord 550. I used a different color for the neck of the bag to give it a bit more color.
- a lacing needle, makes your life a tone easier
- a cord lock to keep the neck cord from moving
- scissors, and a lighter
- optionally, if you do not already have these, some cool D&D dice
For any hitching project you really need to be sure you measure your cord correctly. You do not want to have too much since it lengthens the process of making your project, nor do you want to run out of cord. I have found that 4 inches per knot used is just enough. Naturally this is my estimate, you may do tighter or looser knots, so measure yourself!
How is it made?
You can see how the dice bag is made in the bottom few pictures. In short it is made by first placing some cord around a glass or bottle and securing it with a cord lock. Onto this cord you line up as many hitches as you want to have per row. Than simply continue the process by adding rows until you are satisfied with the length of the bag. For the bottom switch to half hitches. It will naturally transition and close the bottom part.
The process can take a while depending on how many knots you use, starting at the neck. I used six.
Now let’s see how this is made in a few photos of the hitching process for those that are not familiar with it. I have used the hitching process in the past when I made a paracord key.