In this tutorial I will show you how to make my favorite paracord bottle wrap, using the chain sinnet technique.
The chain sinnet is a technique often used in quick deployment gear, such as the chain sinnet paracord bracelet I demonstrated a while back. It has many applications though and David Hopper showed how to used it to make a pouch using this technique. I used his tutorial as the basis for this tutorial, but I did modify a few things about it. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and try it for yourself! The wrap is stunning and will surely turn some heads!
Why chain sinnet?
We mostly rely on paracord bottle wraps for added grip, protection from fall damage and decorative purposes. Bottle wraps also hold quite a bit of cordage which is more than plenty for most emergency situations. But why use the chain sinnet technique over other wrapping styles?
- it is quick deployment ready, meaning it can be unraveled in under 30 seconds
- it is made fairly easily
- looks amazing
- there is no leftover bits
- you can work directly from a hank/spool
Click the images below to see the wrap in action!

Supplies needed
To make this wrap you will need the following supplies:
- a single, long piece of paracordĀ 550. The length depends on the object you are wrapping. Expect the wrap to store a fair bit of cord!
- a short bit of cord used at the neck of the bottle
- a marlin spike or a hemostat or some other tool to help you work the cord
- lighter
- scissors
- optionally, a cord lock

The wrap pattern is quite mesmerizing.
The bottle wrap tutorial
We start of by taking a small piece of paracord and secure it at the neck (top of the bottle). You may chose to simply tie a reef knot or use a cord lock for this purpose.
We attach the working cord onto the neck using an overhand knot.
Start by forming a loop and feed it under the neck cord. Bend it back down and insert a loop formed out of the same working cord through the first loop and then tighten.
Repeat this technique around the whole neck. When it is covered you will want to continue into the second row. This is done by taking a marlin spike and loosen the loop (or use a hemostat to pull a the second loop through). At that point do the same as you did in the first row, by feeding a loop through the bottom, bending it and slide the second loop through.
Continue this technique row after row until you reach the bottom. At that point do the same technique but skip one loop. Do this for one row so the bottom flattens out nicely. Continue with the main technique after that until you can no longer cover any more. Pass the working cord through the loop, cut it and secure it with an overhand knot. Done!
I very much realize a description alone is not sufficient. Follow the image tutorial below to see how the wrap is made, step by step.
To make the bottom you have several options. The following worked for me:
If you are having any problems using this technique, see the video tutorial on the chain sinnet pouch:
After you have made your own wrap, tell me: Are your fingers sore a bit?
Made this project around a large spray can and use the wrap as a holder for my umbrella. I worked two clips in the side of it so that I can attach it to my day pack when the weather looks bad. Nice tutorial!
Well worth the effort! Thanks for tutorial!
This looks a lot like crochet. I wonder if I could just use a crochet hook and save myself some sore hands. š
If you use a crochet hook be sure to keep the twists out of the paracord. That’s been my biggest problem — untwisting it as I go.
Super cool project altyit does look very intricate and daunting at first but practice will make it get easier so thank you for sharing.
Congrats you just single crocheted over a bottle. Yes, a crochet hook would work fantastically here, that’s spacifically what they are made for; pulling loops through loops through loops ad infinitum.
No snarkyness intended, I absolutely LOVE the paracordguild and all the incredibly useful things you guys so generously share with the world! Thank you for that!