In this tutorial I demonstrate how to tie the rectangular rope mat.
This is a nice looking rope mat that you can make out of a variety of rope types. Naturally I will be using paracord in this tutorial. If you want to make a larger version, use more passes and a larger diameter rope.

The mat has 4 bights on two of the sides and 5 bights on the other two sides.

2 pass rectangular rope mat.
So, let’s tie us a rope mat!
The tutorial
For a 2 pass version of this mat, you will require about 8 feet of paracord. A 3 pass version can easily be made with about 12 feet.
The mat is tied as a flat turk’s head knot, which is what it is.
Start by finding the middle of your cord.
The top will be our working end, the bottom our standing end.
Make a loop.
With your working end (top) go under the standing end.
Then go under the first cord in the loop and over the second.
Turn back into the loop, going under-over-under-over.
Turn back into the knot again at the top, going under-over-under-over-under.
Now take your other, standing end.
Go under-over-under-over.
You have basically split two parallel cords.
Now using the same cord, go under our working end.
And weave through the knot going under-over-under-over-under-over.
Finally, turn back into the knot and go under-over-under-over-under-over-under.
With this the knot is tied.
Finishing the mat
Finishing the rope mat is now done by first working both ends into the knot by taking one end and following the other and doing the same with the other end.
Then we shape up the knot and start removing the slack from it. See a few images below for more on this.
With one of the ends follow the other end.
Do the same with the other end.
Shape the mat so there are 4 bights at the top and bottom and 5 on each of the sides.
Start removing the slack.
As you will see, removing the slack is the more time consuming task. Tying the knot is fast, adjusting it takes time.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, till next time,
happy tying!
Oh and the video tutorial on this mat style: