This time we take a look at a simple paracord bracelet design.
The hangman’s noose paracord bracelet is an adjustable bracelet that is quite easy to make. Still, you need to come up with it and I had the chance to see one that was made by Arty Transit, a fellow paracord enthusiast that posts some really cool and inspiring projects.
I instantly liked the bracelet for two reasons:
- it is simple and elegant
- it solves another problem- it doubles as a hair strap!

Not only it is a neat bracelet, it can be used to hold your hair in a pinch. While that may not seem to be a big issue for many, it is frickin annoying to have your hair obstruct your vision half of the time! Hair straps exist for a reason and this bracelet can do the job if needed.
Supplies needed
You really do not need much to make this bracelet:
- a piece of paracord
- scissors
- lighter
- a lacing needle (optional). You can make a lacing needle yourself.
A quick tutorial
If you play around with this design you can figure it out yourself. Still, a tutorial to make things faster:
Attach a lacing needle to one end of the cord (optional)
Make a loop
Wrap the end with the lacing needle around itself and the other end
Make a few wraps, as many as you would like
Take a lacing needle and go under all the cords
Pull the cord through
Finish your end using a decorative knot. I used a simple overhand knot here. Finally cut and melt the ends.
A video on tying the bracelet is also available: