abok 2979

French sinnet- ABoK 2979

In this quick tutorial we take a look at how to tie the French sinnet.

There are several ways you can use to get the French sinnet look. This one is demonstrated in the Ashley book of knots under number 2979.

It is a fast and easy to remember braid, making it perfect for when you need to do a flat braid. It works particularly well with even numbers of strands, but can be done with odd numbers as well.

The bottom side of the sinnet also looks very attractive and can be done by reversing the techinque.

french sinnet

The underside of the sinnet looks very nice.

So, let’s braid!


I am going to demonstrate the braid using 4 strands. You can use 6, 8 or any number you feel like. The principle is always the same.

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Line up your cords.

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With your right cord go under-over-under to the left.

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Take the next right cord and again go under-over-under.

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And with the next one: under-over-under.

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The sequence is always the same. Under-over-under with the right cord.


Remember to braid this sinnet tightly.

I hope this simple tutorial and technique comes in handy!

See the video tutorial as well:


About Markwell

I am a defense science graduate. I like to create beautiful things out of paracord.

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