In this tutorial we tie the Etsy tie paracord bracelet.
This bracelet has also become quite popular under the name “Twisted cobra” and I also refer to it as the “Etsy bar”.
Names aside, it was designed by the one and only Dman Mcq. Later it was modified and tied with gutted cords, which make it look even better.

The pattern of the bracelet.
The bracelet is tied very much like a regular cobra paracord bracelet. You will easily spot the similarity once we get into the tutorial.
An interesting feature of the bracelet is that it can be worn on both sides, each providing an unique look.

The underside of the bracelet. Also a nice looking weave in my opinion.
I find that the tying process is the easy part when tying this bracelet. The harder or at least the more innovative part is figuring out how to attach the cords to the buckle. I found a neat way which I will demonstrate, but you are free to use any you feel works best.

Underside pattern.
With all this said, let’s see what you will need to tie this one:
- paracord 550. You will need 3 different colors. For a ~5 inch weave I used up: 4 feet of yellow, 2 feet and 2 inches of blue and 2 feet 8 inches of red
- you will also need a bracelet buckle. Using a 3/8 inch buckle will create a tight fit and a 5/8 inch buckle will fit a bit loosely. I’d go with a 3/8 inch one if you can fit 3 cords through
- lacing needle (optional)
- scissors
- lighter
- bracelet jig (optional, can be made).

So, let’s start tying!
The tutorial
The bracelet is, as stated before, very similar to the cobra paracord bracelet. The difference is that it has 3 cords for the core, as well as 3 cords for the actual weave. It is woven with one cord on one side and two on the other.
Preparing the weave
Start by preparing your cords. The shortest one, the blue should be gutted (inner strands removed). The second shortest, the red can also be gutted right away, or attached first and then gutted.
The longest one, the yellow is not gutted.
Join the longest and shortest cord together. I am a big fan of the Manny method of joining paracord.
We then move on to securing the cords to the jig:
Gut the tip of the middle length cord. Feed the end through the buckle.
With your other end go through the end.
Pull the cord through. You get a secure attachment.
Now the longer cord is attached.
We start tying a cow hitch. Go through the top of the buckle.
Then over the first cord.
Then under and through the buckle.
The bottom is ready!
Now the top.
I use a half hitch for the top cord ends.
And the other cord end.
The longer cord is now attached.
Feed the first cord through the hitch as well. The red and blue cords should be gutted.
We now start weaving.
The weaving process
Weaving is the same as with the cobra bracelet, but using two cords on the right side. Make sure you keep them in line.
Step 1: With the left cord go under the core and over the cords on the right.
With the right cords go over the top and into the loop on the left. Tighten.
Step 2: With the right cord go under the core and over the cords on the left.
With the left cords go over the top and into the loop on the right. Tighten.
Now repeat step 1 again.
Step 1 (repeat): With your left go under the core and over the cords on the right.
With your right cords go over the top and into the loop on the left. Tighten.
Now on to step 2.
Step 2 (repeat): With your right cord go under the core and over the cords on the left.
With the cords on the left go over the core and into the loop on the right.
Continue alternating step 1 and step 2. Reach the bottom.
At this point cut the ends and melt them.

Don’t forget, the bracelet looks great on both sides!
With that this beautiful bracelet is complete!
See the video tutorial for more information:
Enjoy the bracelet!